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Addressing Sex and Intimacy: The Ex-PLISSIT Model in Practice EP
Denna litteraturstudies syfte var att ta reda på vad PLISSIT-modellen innebär och hur sjuksköterskan kan använda sig av den när hon eller han skall prata om sexualitet med patienten. Frågeställningar som 2017-01-04 · The PLISSIT model offers a succinct method for introducing sex into a clinical conversation, narrowing the scope of a patient’s concern and offering effective counseling and treatment. (Its name PLISSIT. PLISSIT är en modell som kan vara hjälpsam för att tydliggöra när, var och hur olika insatser kopplade till sexualitet kan göras.
Den opprinnelige modellen er formet som en trakt, hvor problemer blir sortert fra toppen […] The PLISSIT model (Annon 1976) was developed to assist healthcare professionals to broach the subject of sexual health with patients, and later this model was further developed by Taylor and Davis Aim: This systematic review study is to determine the effect of PLISSIT model (permission, limited information, special suggestions, intensive therapy), which is used in the care of individuals having sexual problems, on these sexual problems.Method: The study was carried out by checking PubMed, EBS MODEL. A machine made on a small scale to show the manner in which it is to be worked or employed. 2. The Act of Congress of July 4, 1836, section 6, requires an inventor who is desirous to take out a patent for his invention, to furnish a model of his invention, in all cases which admit of representation by model, of a convenient size to exhibit advantageously its several parts. Looking for PLISSIT model? Find out information about PLISSIT model. 1.
PLISSIT som samtalsmetodik i samtal om sexualitet - GUPEA
The PLISSIT model was developed by Jack Annon in the field of sexology to address sexuality issues of clients by determining different levels of intervention. The PLISSIT model offers a succinct method for The PLISSIT model, also known as the PLISSIT model of sex therapy, is a modeling system used in the field of sexology to determine the different levels of intervention for individual clients.
PLISSIT som samtalsmetodik i samtal om sexualitet. En - CORE
DOI: 10.1080/01614576.1976.11074483 Corpus ID: 142961852. The PLISSIT Model: A Proposed Conceptual Scheme for the Behavioral Treatment of Sexual Problems @article{Annon1976ThePM, title={The PLISSIT Model: A Proposed Conceptual Scheme for the Behavioral Treatment of Sexual Problems}, author={J. S. Annon}, journal={Journal of Sex Education and Therapy}, year={1976}, … 2015-01-22 PLISSIT MODEL- by Jack Annon, sex educator and therapist Component Student/Client Needs Helper Role Characteristics Most people need Permission Most people simply need permission to talk and learn about sexuality and explore their own attitudes and responses. Helper should be able to provide “permission-giving” 2015-01-22 PLISSIT model: [ mod´'l ] 1.
Permission-Tillåtelse att prata om sexualitet. Limited Information-Begränsad information.
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nov 2018 PLISSIT-modellen er utviklet av den amerikanske psykologen Jack S. Annon og fornorsket av sexologene Elsa Almås og Esben Esther Pirelli
6 Dec 2017 Sex shouldn't stop when you reach your 60s. That's where the PLISSIT model comes in, and it helps seniors discuss their sexual needs and
17 Jul 2018 Background: The PLISSIT model is a tool for both assessing and managing a patient's sexuality concerns. It is thought that an intervention plan
The PLISSIT model, developed in 1976 by Jack Annon, is a counseling model for sex therapy that can help practitioners of all stripes address sexual health in their
av L Bäckström · 2009 · Citerat av 1 — PLISSIT är en akronym och står för Permission, Limited Information, Specific Sug- gestions och Intensive Therapy.
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This refers to the professional (you) giving the client 4 Apr 2017 The steps within the Ex-PLISSIT model are: Permission-giving. Limited information. Specific suggestions. Intensive therapy. As a stepped care Mitä seksuaaliterapia on? Lääketieteellinen Aikakauskirja Duodecim.