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Many of its practitioners are atheists or agnostics, and view Satan as a symbol, not as an actual entity. The so-called Nine Satanic Statements outline some of the beliefs of the Church of Satan, including that Satan represents “man as just another animal,” and that followers should embrace indulgence instead of abstinence. A LaVey-i sátánizmus a modern-ateista, a Bal Kéz Útját követő (jelen esetben részben a zsidó és keresztény mitológiára épülő) vallások egyike. Ezen sátánizmus lényege az egyén fontossága, a létezés és az élet tisztelete a felsőbb hatalmak helyett; az egyént tekinti önmaga istenének. Artikel i Wikipedia där du kan läsa om satanism. Här berättas om satanismens historia och olika former av satanism. LaVey-satanisme er en religiøs filosofi grundlagt i 1966 af Anton Szandor LaVey, kodificeret i Satans Bibel og med tilsyn af Church of Satan.Dens overbevisninger og filosofier er baseret på individualisme, epikuræisme, sekularisme, egoisme og selv-guddommeliggørelse og udbreder et verdenssyn af naturalisme, socialdarwinisme og jus talionis.

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Founded on April 30, 1966 c.e. by Anton Szandor LaVey, we are the first above-ground organization in history openly dedicated to the acceptance of Man's true nature-that of a carnal beast, living in a cosmos that is indifferent to our existence. Anton LaVey officially formed the church of Satan on the night of April 30-May 1, 1966. He published the Satanic Bible in 1969. The Church of Satan admits that early rituals were mostly mockeries of Christian ritual and reenactments of Christian folklore concerning the supposed behavior of Satanists.

In 1969, LaVey published The Satanic Bible for his followers to truly understand the Church of Satan and its goals. He followed this up with four more books: The Satanic Ritual (1972), The Satanic Witch (1989), The Devil’s Notebook (1992), and Satan Speaks!

ATTITYD by Oskar Annermarken - issuu

21 okt. 2006 — Satanismen består av två sekter, ena sekten tillhör den gruppen som tillber satan som om han vore gud och att kristnas gud är ond.

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Lavey satanism budord

Lavey Satanism. 537 likes. Learn about the truth of Satanism, don't listen to all these lies that christian chruches told you! Here you will be enlightened and learn the truth!! What is LAVEYAN SATANISM?

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LaVeyan Satanism, in the form of the Church of Satan, began in 1966. Many of its practitioners are atheists or agnostics, and view Satan as a symbol, not as an actual entity.

Its core beliefs and philosophies are based on individualism, freethought, skepticism, atheism, epicureanism and "eye for an eye" morality. In 1969, LaVey published The Satanic Bible for his followers to truly understand the Church of Satan and its goals. He followed this up with four more books: The Satanic Ritual (1972), The Satanic Witch (1989), The Devil’s Notebook (1992), and Satan Speaks! (1998).
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The Satanic Bible - Anton La Vey - pocket 9780380015399

The Church of Satan endorses an atheist and materialistic metaphysics and does not believe in the existence of Satan, doesn’t worship Satan, and does not believe in the existence of magic.