Centre for Digital Humanities


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ቊ http://digitalhumanities.yale.edu/projects.html  DigitalHistory@Lund is a platform that aims at promoting digital history and to support the development of new digital history research projects. The Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology, Lund University, 2021–2022. Rapporten ger en översikt över runstenar i Norrland (Gästrikland, Hälsingland, Medelpad och Jämtland). av E Burman — För nio år sedan beskrevs digital humaniora (DH) som ”the next big thing” och begreppet har senare rial skills—particularly project management—are needed to ensure Facilitating Communities of Practice in Digital Humanities: Librarian. Humanities and Social Sciences > Laitokset ja yksiköt > Kieli- ja viestintätieteiden laitos > In English > Research > Research projects > Other research projects  One project study the materiality of terrorisms and the role of engineering expertise and industrial Centre for Digital Humanities; Göteborg, Sweden. Position.

Digital humanities projects

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Others focus on building more general-purpose tools to enable inquiry across multiple di… The primary project I contributed to was in the digital humanities, titled Connecting Thought and Action. Using ArcGIS Story Maps, it commemorates the 20th anniversary of the Kluge Center. The map highlights scholars who have been in residence at the Kluge Center as well as Kluge Prize winners. Projects /DH.arc projects. The Digital Humanities Advanced Research Centre (/DH.arc) is part of the Department of Classical Bilicame. Digital bibliographic corpus of medieval Catalan literature. The main purpose of our database project is to Donatism.

This project began in 1996 when Bryan Carter was teaching an introductory course about African American Literature.

Ruth Kirkham - Oxford, United Kingdom Professional Profile

In fact, debates over how to describe the field and mark its borders predate the label itself. A Digital Humanities project is one which uses digital methods and computational techniques as part of its research methodology, dissemination plan, and/or public engagement.

Language Resources and Technology for Digital Humanities

Digital humanities projects

Den 20 – 24 juli deltog jag och Sanja Halling i kursen Digital Humanities i Oxford, England. Det kan vara GPS , digital bildbehandling , fotogrammetri , radardata Lund University Humanities Lab, The Faculties of Humanities and Theology. source projects: HUSSEIN, BASSEM; Göteborgs universitet/Institutionen Since its founding  Projects. (e)met: Human-machine Interactive Composition Using Machine Learning. Our goal is to make a computer program that interacts with human improvising A Digital Corpus of Texts for the Study of Magical Ritual.

YALE PARTNERS. Data, GIS & Statistical Support Services. Marx Science & Social Science Library. Read more current projects in the Department of Digital Humanities Our Data Ourselves Our research project “Our Data Ourselves” was an AHRC-funded grant at King’s College London in 2013-15, to consider the personal data generate in the everyday lives of young people.
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Using ArcGIS Story Maps, it commemorates the 20th anniversary of the Kluge Center. The map highlights scholars who have been in residence at the Kluge Center as well as Kluge Prize winners. Projects /DH.arc projects. The Digital Humanities Advanced Research Centre (/DH.arc) is part of the Department of Classical Bilicame. Digital bibliographic corpus of medieval Catalan literature.

Do you have a project that utilizes our archives that you would like for us to include?
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Digital humaniora utmanar biblioteket

To see how digital projects in the Humanities happen, check out the projects in the 'Behind the Scenes' section of the page. Samples of Digital Humanities Projects, Centers, and Fellow Travelers is a web-based tool for creating and editing image-based electronic editions and digital This project showcases immigration stories of German artists, filmmakers, authors, composers who fled Hitler’s Germany and who sought refuge in the Los Angeles area. It highlights the stories of Center for Digital Humanities Pilot Award Interesting Digital Humanities projects This project is a digital recreation of John Donne’s Gunpowder Day ceremony and allows you to explore London in 1622. Give a lightning talk at the 2021 DH Fair! We are accepting proposals for complete and in-progress digital humanities related projects. All members of the UC Berkeley community are invited to submit a proposal.