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NordForsk grant to ARC researcher Johan Fritzell – ARC

NordForsk is an organisation under the Nordic Council of Ministers that provides funding for Nordic  Director of NordForsk · The Nordic Council of Ministers is the official body for Nordic intergovernmental co-operation. · NordForsk facilitates and provides funding for  NordForsk funding granted to Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, and Iceland. NordForsk (, an organization that facilitates research  our sister organisations Nordforsk and Nordic Innovation. Nordic cooperation in energy research started 1975, leading to common pot research funding since  Other Nordic Centres of Excellence funded under this initiative include: Resource The NordForsk-funded project Arctic Climate Predictions: Pathways to  This project has received funding from NordForsk's Nordic University Hubs programme under the grant agreement no. 86220.

Nordforsk funding

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Read more about the funding process. NordForsk programmes NordForsk programmes are developed in cooperation with the national research funding organisations, mainly through the Open Invitation mechanism. Through the Open Invitation mechanism, the national research funding organisations are invited to propose new Nordic programmes or extension of existing NordForsk programmes . To apply for funding, you must create a user: go to the option “New user” in the right corner of the screen. If you have applied for funding previously you can use your existing user.

If you have applied for funding previously you can use your existing user. Recommended browsers: Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.

NordForsk on Twitter: "Viktigt tema på Nordens Dag 23 mars … "

All funding instruments should promote excellence in Nordic research and in NordForsk funding instruments Separate research training activities should be  Sea Region University Network – BSRUN; BONUS – Baltic Organisations´ Network for Funding Science EEIG; Nordic Council of Ministers (NCM) - NordForsk  KVL 1a. Inform that there is a guarantee to get up to 41.500 € if NordForsk does not approve funding.

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Nordforsk funding

A Nordic Research Infrastructure (RI) Hub is a long-term partnership between Nordic universities, universities of applied sciences, university colleges and research institutes in a consortium that provides a framework for enhancing and/or expanding RI cooperation in the Nordic region.

It works under the Nordic Council of Ministers with responsibility for Nordic cooperation in research and researcher training. It is funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers and national research funding agencies in the Nordic countries. NordForsk funds research collaboration in areas prioritised by the national governments where a Nordic approach will generate synergies. It does not provide scholarships or funding for individual projects. NordForsk: Stöd till forskningssamarbete. NordForsk stöder forskningssamarbete inom nationellt prioriterade områden, där nordiska forskningsgrupper samarbetar för att uppnå gemensamt mervärde. NordForsk beviljar inte stipendier eller stöd till individuella projekt.
I huvudet pa en lokforare

Researchers: Karl-Erik Årzén in collaboration with DTU (Paul Pop, coordinator), KTH, Aalto University amd NTNU. Funding: Nordforsk. Time Period: 2018-2020.

Out of the 1 358 unique applicants set as project leader, 323 have been granted funding. At least 2 640 researchers are involved as project leaders or participating researchers in funded Project Grants, Nordic Centres of Excellence and Nordic University Hubs. The NordForsk funding portfolio has evolved over the past ten years, from a focus on network grants and funding for courses to greater focus on larger grants such as Project Grants, Nordic Centres of Excellence and Nordic University Hubs.
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Nordic University Hub on Industrial - Automatic Control

NordForsk strives to ensure transparency in the evaluation process. Funding decisions will be communicated to the project leader by e-mail.