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Explanations for product markings found on ATEX approved equipment. ATEX is the regulatory directive for the design, installation and use of products in  Typical marking of electrical equipment for use in explosive gas atmospheres ( EU/ATEX/IECEx):. CE-marking and number of the notified (monitoring) body. ATEX.

Atex marking explanation

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Additional marking that describes the place of application is provided with electrical equipment certified in ac-cordance with Directive 2014/34/EU (ATEX). The device group is displayed first, followed by the device category and finally information regarding the atmosphere: Device group I = Mining (above and below ground) This page was last edited on 24 October 2020, at 04:13. Files are available under licenses specified on their description page. All structured data from the file and property namespaces is available under the Creative Commons CC0 License; all unstructured text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. ATEX marking detail for PIXA 1, 2 and 3 headlamps: These 3 lamps have the same ATEX marking: Ex II 3 GD Ex nA ic IIB T4 Gc Ex tc IIIC T135° C Dc . General marking Ex II 3 GD II: above-ground industry. 3 GD: category of 3GD lamps that determines the zone of use, in this case zone 2/22 (gas/dust) The ATEX marking, and the declaration of conformity show compliance with the ATEX guidelines.

Full Explanation! Example of a typical ATEX Marking. ATEX codes are  Explanation ATEX.

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Files are available under licenses specified on their description page. All structured data from the file and property namespaces is available under the Creative Commons CC0 License; all unstructured text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. ATEX marking detail for PIXA 1, 2 and 3 headlamps: These 3 lamps have the same ATEX marking: Ex II 3 GD Ex nA ic IIB T4 Gc Ex tc IIIC T135° C Dc . General marking Ex II 3 GD II: above-ground industry.

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Atex marking explanation

Explanation. E I M2. Mining equipment, category 2, for de- energized use. E II 1 GD. Non-mining equipment, category 1 (zone 0), for gases and  We can help you with ATEX certification and area classification, including applicable HazLoc directives and markings. ATEX MARKING DIRECTIVE (94/9/EC). EX II 2 G D. DUST. GAS. EQUIPMENT CATEGORY. EQUIPMENT GROUP.

The ATEX suffix always starts with Ex to indicate Explosion Protection and is then followed by 4 more sections whether it is for Gas or Dust applications. Interactive explanation of ATEX marking Up-to-date ATEX markings help you to quickly and conveniently catch up on the various applications, protection concepts, equipment groups, and temperature classes of our ATEX load cells. ATEX Marking Explanation E I M2 Mining equipment, category 2, for de-energized use.
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There are strict demands tied to this marking to guarantee that the right information is shown correctly. The identification plate and Ex marking have to at least contain the following information: Interactive explanation of ATEX marking.

951-180-072-EN. Version Explosion protection marking: SP/SMB9; SP/SMB13; SPSMB14: II 2G c TX Gb. II 2D c TX Db Explanation of symbols and signs . use in this 3 Zone system need to be compliant with the same standards used for IECEx and ATEX certification (IEC/EN 60079) with some national deviations. Nov 1, 2019 protection marking 2014/34/EU (ATEX), EN 13463-1:2009 or 2.1.1 Detailed explanation of explosion protection marking on FV1200.
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So EU Directive 94/9/EC (ATEX 95) Up to now marking has been specified in IEC Table 1: Marking and definition of Equipment Protection Level EPL. →. certification services including IECEx, ATEX, CE Marking and North American and markings associated with ATEX and IECEx Certification and Installation. Description and explanation necessary to understand operation of product. List of standards A reference to this situation shall be included in the marking by using a. TX marking and the ATEX and IECEx equipment/component certific Definition of an explosive atmosphere Acc. Directive See below the explanation of the meaning of the following ATEX marking, taking as an example. When equipment is rated as ATEX, what does this mean? applicable in 2003) and the EC standard (EC marking, EC documentation, EC inspection certificate,  EU Declaration of conformity following ATEX directive 2014/34/EU, annex X. - 2 -.