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The database is 100% full-text searchable and contains PDF page images. With intuitive search functionality, the database is user-friendly and quickly returns search results. Renmin ribao (People’s Daily) 1946-2011 Basic information • Fulltext-database with access to the Renmin Ribao or The People’s Daily, the the main newspaper of the Chinese Communist Party since 1946 • One of the best resources for studies of Chinese politics Renmin Ribao (People's Daily) from 1946 to 2012. • The articles are available as plain text articles and facsimiles. For downloading facsimile Adobe Acrobat version 4 is required.

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When the final version of the interview was printed in the March 19 edition of the Global Times, the Global Time’s editors omitted important sections dealing with foreign policy.[1] Some of the omissions are printed below. Listen to Who Controls?

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For downloading facsimile Adobe Acrobat version 4 is required. (Be aware that that as the facsimiles are presented as .pdf files, loading times can be very long for image heavy scans.) 人民日 … The Renmin Ribao digital archive contains published issues from 1946-May 31, 2012 in full-text, full-image format..

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10. South China Morning Post (10 December 1979). AFP report in. Suzanne Pepper.

The Renmin Ribao digital archive offers scholars the most comprehensive collection available for this title, and features full page-level digitization, complete original graphics, and 100% searchable text. People's Daily – Renmin Ribao archive and TODAY's issue are made available online covering from 1946 to present; Fully Internet Version -- no need to install, manage a server; Fully searchable -- either in single or combined search; Fully downloadable and printable; Interchangeable between text files and JPG image files; DAILY updated Renmin ribao quotes Mario de Andrade in Algiers in May 1963 and Manuel Lima in Rabat that same month. Beijing Review quotes both de Andrade and Neto by name in February of 1963. Renmin ribao, 15 May 1963, p.
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V. I. Lenin, Collected Works, Vol. II, Part 2, Moscow, 1952, p. 597 This is a trial access to Renmin ribao via a European license, administered by Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin.

Party and State Organs, in: Ӫ≁ᰕᣕ (Renmin Ribao, People's Daily),. ing Stability), in: Ṣ㮹㖍㉍ (Renmin Ribao, People's Daily), 19 July, online: (2 May 2013).
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(~2 s.) Fairbank, John K. & Goldman, Marle. China: A New History (Enlarged Edition). Harvard. University Press. Punto Final. Renmin Ribao. Semanario Liberacion.